Isn't it incredible the sheer number of wedding traditions that can be found around the world? We take a look at just a few of the cultural traditions that each country adopts when celebrating a wedding.\n
In Kenya, you may find the father of the groom spitting on the bride. Whilst this may make most a little squeamish, in Kenya spitting is seen as a mark of respect.
A popular choice for many Indian brides is to adorn their hands and arms in mendhi, a henna-based ink that is delicately painted on the skin. They usually wear this instead of jewellery, and its calming properties are said to keep brides serene on their wedding day.\n
Much like in
Austrian tradition, couples are given a task to complete, usually sawing a log in half. The teamwork it requires represents how the couple will work together to overcome obstacles.
In Norway, instead of traditional tiered wedding cakes they create a kransekake; a series of almond rings assembled into a cone shape. Inside the cone are hidden gifts such as a bottle of champagne. Instead of cutting the cake, couples pick up the top ring of the tower, and however many layers are stuck to it indicate how many children they'll have together.
In Cuba, anyone who dances with the bride is required to pin money to her wedding dress. This helps the couple pay for their wedding and honeymoon. Nigeria hosts a similar tradition, however guests spray money at the couple on the dance floor to show their happiness at their union.\n
Afternoon tea parties at weddings in the UK have become more popular in recent years, but tea ceremonies in China have been tradition for decades. Couples host tea ceremonies on their wedding day to honour the families, and is a lovely tradition for the couple to pay tribute to the ones that raised and cared for them.\n
The Philippines
Symbolising the harmonious journey ahead, in The Philippines the couples release a pair of doves during the wedding ceremony.
France offers its own alternative wedding cake - the croquembouche. The pastry balls are often decorated elaborately with chocolate, spun sugar and caramel.\nWill you be incorporating any traditions into your wedding day?