Located in the sunny mediterranean, Italy is an enormously popular location for destination weddings, and it’s easy to see why. Blessed with gorgeous coastline and littered with luxury hotels, couples looking for a close by wedding destination are spoilt with venue options. One of the most popular regions for destination weddings in Italy is The Amalfi Coast, with it’s breathtaking views and booming hotel industry.

If you’re looking for a luxury destination wedding on The Amalfi Coast, look no further than Palazzo Avino. Voted The Best Honeymoon Location in Europe in 2015, their stunning mountainside setting will be the talk of your guests for years to come. Despite being located just five minutes from the centre of Ravello, you feel totally removed from the hustle and bustle as you enjoy the breathtaking views of the bay below.

Their attentive staff ensure that every aspect of your wedding day is taken care of with minimum stress and maximum efficiency. Whether you decide to exchange your vows outside in the gardens or in one of the other locations available, you will be promised a truly romantic ceremony.

Your guests will be well taken care of in the hotel’s luxury bedrooms, most of which boast panoramic views of the mediterranean below. There are also a number of activities on offer for you and your guests in the days before and after your wedding. Whether you’d prefer to spend your time relaxing in one of the rooftop jacuzzis or taking one of the kayaks out by the clubhouse, there really is something for everyone.
If you’re looking for true Italian romance on The Amalfi Coast, Palazzo Avino could be your perfect destination wedding venue.
Contact details: Hotel Palazzo Avino Via San Giovanni del Toro 2884010 Ravello – Amalfi Coast Italy
T + 39 089 81 81 81
Staff at the hotel all speak English so will be happy to assist you by phone or email.